The Birth of Chaos

Wondering how I got here?

One of my favorite things about people is figuring how why they are the way they are and why they are who they are. I find other people’s stories so interesting. In the off chance that you’re wondering what led to the birth of Chaos Coordination, here’s the story!

After working as a paralegal in corporate law firms for a decade, I was a mother of three kids under five years old and just totally burnt out. My husband and I decided, that after three hard pregnancies in four and a half years, that I would leave my career and be a stay-at-home mom. For a year and a half, I focused all of my attention on my young kids and some cool volunteer projects.

Once my oldest got into full time school and my girls started preschool, I had some more time on my hands and I really missed working. I stumbled upon a Facebook ad for a virtual assistant course and that’s when Chaos Coordination was born! I took my years of experience of juggling attorneys’ schedules, drafting legal documents, organizing massive amounts of discovery (one trial I worked on had over 1,000 pieces of evidence!), and everything in-between and took my business to the internet. I wanted to work with clients of my choosing - clients who run mission-based businesses, clients who’s businesses were really making a difference in the world.

As I worked as a virtual assistant for over a year, my mission grew and evolved and it came back to one of the things that attracted me to the law in the first place - writing. I’ve always been a writer. When I was younger, my dream was to be journalist. I love the investigative piece of journalism, probably another reason why I was drawn to the legal field. My favorite thing in the world is to do the research necessary to deliver high-quality content for my clients. I love the feeling I get when my fingers fly across the keyboard of a laptop, words just flowing out of my brain. I love knowing that this work is helping my clients get their passions out into the world and into the hands of others where it will make an impact.

So…that’s how I got here! How did you? Like I said, I love to know other people’s stories. I love to know how they got to where they are and why they act the way they do. Share your story with me! I would love to hear it!

Amanda Russell

I write content to get you noticed and copy to get you sales. My clients are entrepreneurs, small businesses, and nonprofits working to make the world a better, more inclusive place.

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