Why Instagram is My Favorite Social Site
Despite having the eyesight of a bat, I’m a visual person. I learn best when I can see tables and graphics. Moana is my favorite Disney movie because I love the way the colors of the ocean flow into the colors of the beautiful Hawaiian islands. I was a dancer growing up because I loved to see the way people could tell stories with their movements. I often choose what books I want to read by how attracted I am to their covers (I know. I know. Never judge a book by its cover … but I totally do!)
This is probably why Instagram is my favorite social media site. I love the way people tell their stories with quick snapshots of their day. I love the perfectly curated feeds as much as I love the messy, honest, raw feeds. I love the cool graphics people come up with. I love the stories where it feels like you’re talking with a friend. I love the way a picture can grab my attention and pull me into reading their copy.
Instagram is also a really powerful marketing tool. You can create such a community through Instagram with your graphics and copy. Posts on public Instagram pages are so easily shareable which makes their potential to go viral higher. People have built businesses entirely on Instagram! Pick the right hashtags and you’re up and running!
You can also build quite the community on Instagram. Starting with the correct hashtags, you can start to connect with people with similar interests as you. I’ve met some of the best people this way. I’ve also found some of the coolest accounts to follow. These accounts give me advice on my business, on my parenting, and everything in between.
It can be easy to get wrapped up in the perfectly curated squares of Instagram, though. If you’re going to use this social site, it’s important to remember that theses squares are, quite literally, a highlight reel of people’s lives. Most people aren’t going to post the really ugly parts of life so it’s important to remember that if you’re going to spend a lot of time on Instagram.
I’m always looking for new accounts to follow so if you’re on Instagram, let me know! You can always follow me at @ChaosCoordinationLLC, too!