This One Thing Could Be Holding Your Business Back

Hi. Your favorite control freak here!

I know what it’s like to feel like you need to be the only person handling everything in your life. I often find myself muttering, “Fine. I’ll just do it myself.” under my breath multiple times a week. I don’t know if it’s a survival instinct or what, but I always think I can handle everything life throws at me.

Ask for help? Me?! No. I’ve got this.

If you find yourself doing the same, listen up. Just like that’s a recipe for disaster in our personal lives, it’s also one in our businesses.

When we find ourselves taking on every single role and wearing every single hat, it won’t be long before we also find ourselves burning out and melting down.

Because the truth is, we can’t handle it all alone. And we really should stop trying. (Am I talking to myself here? Idk… maaaaybe.)

If you’re like me and your hand is always the first one in the air when someone needs help and the last one to accept any help that is offered, I want you to take a minute to sit back and read this because even though you might think you’re saving yourself trouble and stress by handling every problem that comes your way, it’s probably the opposite.

Here are some of the most common reasons why wearing every hat could be negatively affecting your business – and your life.

Not Asking for Help is Asking for Burn Out

Regardless of what hustle culture might tell you, you don’t have to be moving every single second of the day. Your body deserves to rest. When you don’t ask for help, outsource some tasks, or hire an assistant, you are only asking to crash and burn.

Are you a fan of self-care? Do you live for face masks and long baths? Cool. Now, do the same for your business. Hire an assistant. Block off a full day for admin work. Delegate more tasks to other people. Whatever you need to do to give yourself some breathing room, do it.

Soliciting Help Increases Your Problem-Solving Abilities

No one knows everything! That’s why when you reach out for help with tasks you aren’t great at, like help with scheduling, writing blog posts, or managing your social media, it also opens you up to learning from people who do it better. You get access to a broader range of perspectives and knowledge that you wouldn’t have otherwise experienced. So the next time a problem pops up, you’ll have a better idea of how to solve it or at least some first-hand experience with someone who might help you solve it more efficiently.

Outsourcing is More Efficient

I often hear things like, “well, outsourcing my copy is just going to take more time than if I just sit down and do it.”


There’s a reason why you keep putting this off. And you’ll probably use up more time pushing it off than the time it would take to explain your request to someone else. Besides, when you outsource, you’ll also get the added benefits of their experience in the matter and the accountability of another person to make sure the task gets completed in a timely manner.

Delegating Increases Productivity

This one is just plain simple. When you outsource tasks you hate, it frees you up for things that you love to do and are good at.

Do you need to make a client schedule, but the idea of opening your calendar makes you want to cry? Handing that off to someone is so much easier than continuing to avoid it.

Once it’s handed off, you can move into tasks in your zone of genius - and that’s a much more productive use of your time.

Rest Makes You More Creative

Creative people need rest. It’s where you recharge and come up with new ideas. You can’t do this if you’re constantly checking off things on your growing to-do list.

When you give yourself some time downtime by handing off tasks to other people, you’re allowing your brain the space it needs to breathe, recoup, and be creative.

Collaboration Sparks Innovation

Sometimes, especially if you’ve been doing something for a long time, it can be hard to see outside of your own tunnel vision. When you ask for help from someone else, it gives you a peek into their mind and a front-row seat to how they work. The collaboration process will expose you to fresh perspectives and new viewpoints while also inspiring some truly ground-breaking ideas.

Reaching Out Expands Your Network

Sometimes, when you acknowledge that you need help with certain tasks, you’ll be able to find that person to help right in your existing network. But sometimes, you’ll have to think outside of the box and reach out to someone you might not already know.

When you expand your network, it opens up a new world of support, connection, and future opportunities that wouldn’t have existed before.

Stop Holding Yourself Back

While you might have the best intentions in mind when you try to be a one-person show, as you can see, reaching out for and accepting help might be the business break you need while also helping you balance everything a bit better.

So, this week, when you find yourself spiraling and refusing to delegate, think back to this blog and remember that accepting help does not make you weak. It’s actually the opposite. Asking for and accepting help will make you - and your business - stronger.

Amanda Russell

I write content to get you noticed and copy to get you sales. My clients are entrepreneurs, small businesses, and nonprofits working to make the world a better, more inclusive place.

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