3 Tips to Make Your Copy Pop!
You have an incredible product, course, offering, or story. It’s something that absolutely needs to be shared with the world! But… how?
Even though the world needs your voice and your offer, it can be hard to cut through the noise and get your product in front of your ideal clients. After all, you can have the most amazing product ever created but if you keep putting it in front of the wrong audience, it won’t matter.
Here are three tips that will help your copy pop … and get you seen by the right people.
Be Yourself
Listen … the internet is a busy place. Everywhere you turn, there is someone who is selling something - a service, a course, a tangible product. But what makes your product, service, or course special? YOU do! Your voice. Your education. Your experience. There is no one quite like you! So ... lean into that and sell yourself! Tell your potential customers and clients why they need you and your product, service, or course in their lives.
Create a Sense of Urgency
Your product is special. It isn't going to be around forever. You need to make sure that your potential client or customer knows that. You need to give them a reason why they need to work with you right now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Now. Make sure they know that you only have so many spots in your course or for your service.
Make Your Goal Clear
There is nothing worse than bad copy. You know the kind I mean, you go to a website or get an email and you're reading .. and reading .. and reading .. and you get to the bottom, only to have NO idea what the author was trying to tell you or sell you. Don't let this be you! Make sure you get to the point of what you're trying to say. Tell your audience what you want them to know. Have a product that you're sure they will love? Tell them! Have a solution to a problem that you know they have? Tell them! Think they can learn a lot from the course you just spent weeks creating? Tell them! They don't know what they don't know so make sure you get your point across.
Still need some help clarifying your copy? Schedule a one hour content strategy session and I can help you cut through the noise and get some clarity on where to take your content marketing next!