Is Your Business Ready for the Digital Space?
If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that a lot of businesses can be conducted in the digital space. But this space is vast and it’s not always easy to build and run a profitable business here. That’s why I’ve put together some top tips for you to make sure that your business is ready to hit the grounding running (or to keep running!) during this crazy time.
1: Social Media Presence
Now, more than ever, a social media presence is so important. Consumers spend a lot of time on social media - some even more than they do talking to people in real life. So how do you reach them and stop their scroll?
First, make sure you’re focusing your time on the platforms that will benefit your business the most. As I’ve mentioned in a previous blog, my personal favorite social site is Instagram. I love the shorter captions and the eye-catching photos. I love the little snip-its into other people’s lives and businesses. And I have definitely been “influenced” to buy a product or two that I’ve seen in an Instagram ad.
But Instagram may not be the best place for your business. You need to find where your ideal client is hanging out. Maybe they spend more time on Facebook or SnapChat. Maybe they’re over on TikTok, perfecting difference dance moves. Maybe they’re on Twitter, keeping things under 140 characters. Or maybe they’re in LinkedIn, focusing more on the professional space. No matter where they are, it’s up to you to find out and get your business or product in front of them.
Since there are so many social media sites, it’s best to pick one or two that best align with your mission to get started. This way, you don’t get overwhelmed with the process and give up too quickly. Once you master those two, then expand your horizons.
2. Working Website
Does your business have a website? If not, it should! I’ve seen people say that websites aren’t important and I guess that’s true for some, but for me, I like to research everything before making decisions. If I stumble upon a website that is not aesthetically pleasing or easy to navigate, I’m immediately turned off. If I can’t figure out how to easily get in contact with you or order your product, I’m clicking right off of your site and onto your competitors’. It doesn’t matter if your product is superior or not. It’s too hard to access.
The same goes for copy on websites. If your words are a mess, I’m out. You may have the best product but what good is it if you can’t tell anyone about it? If you can’t condense your words into something that is simple and easy for your ideal customer to understand, then you’re going to lose them. It’s best to use a professional to make sure that your website clicks are converting into sales.
3: Email Marketing
Are people ignoring your emails? Are you even sending them? Email marketing is one of the best ways to get in front of your ideal client. If the link to your product or business is right in front of them, it’s much easier for your client to click through your funnels and make a purchase or schedule an appointment. In order for this to happen though, they have to be enticed to open your emails! What is in it for them? Sure, you think you have the best product but why should your ideal customer think that? You have to tell them. You have to make them realize that what they need is right in front of them!
After you clear the hurdle of getting them to open your email, what does it look like? Is it riddled with typos? Does it look aesthetically pleasing? Do the links work? This is where a good copywriter would come up (hey girl!! That’s me!!) A good copywriter will get your point across to your ideal customer or client while cutting through all of the noise. Personally, if you send me an email full of typos and broken links, that isn’t aesthetically pleasing, I’m going to question why you deserve my business in the first place. Copy seems like something that is so easy to DIY - and it is for some people - but there really is a science behind it. It’s in your business’ best interest to master this science, or find someone who can.
4. Interaction and Engagement
So, great, you have your social sites up and running, your website is getting clicks, and your email list is growing. You’re posting and you’re sending out emails and …. crickets. Nothing is happening. Clicks aren’t converting to sales. Why?!
Because you need to engage with your ideal client base! People want to do business with people and if you aren’t interacting with them and they don’t know that there’s a real person behind the screen, it’s not very likely that they will buy from you. You need to engage with them! If someone is taking the time out of their day to comment on your post or read your emails, the least you can do is acknowledge that and thank them. Maybe ask them how they feel about your latest product or launch. Get to know your customers and clients. After all, they’re people, too. Treat them as such.
So there you go … four tips to get you started on making sure your business is ready to convert those clicks into sales in the digital space. Of course, if you have any further questions or if there’s something you think I may be able to help you with, always feel free to reach out to me via email or on Instagram!